The CEO-Dictator Playbook
Musk's attack on the United States government is strategic and systematic.
How easy is it to frame the Democratic version of freedom?
FrameLab reader Joe Tripician, an award-winning film maker, created the following 40-second ad as a demonstration. Click below to watch:
"American Freedom"by Joe Tripician.
We think this ad does a pretty good idea of showing how simple it is to frame Democratic ideas in terms of freedom. (Though on the education point, we would make it clearer that freedom means the freedom to learn about things like climate change and history, since education is inherently a responsibility of government.)
Of course, freedom is also the the theme of the Democratic National Convention this week. Like many of you, we are watching, and we'll have more to say, soon.
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Further reading:
Dr. George Lakoff's 2006 op-ed on why Democrats need to frame the debate in terms of freedom:
Understanding the freedom frame in American politics:
Election 2024: Can the Freedom Frame Save America? (FrameLab podcast):