Gavin Newsom and the MAGA Democrat Trap

Why the California governor's MAGA pivot won't work

photo of Gavin Newsom biting his lip
Presidential hopeful Gavin Newsom has a new podcast - and new right-wing politics.

Gavin Newsom has unveiled a dangerous new strategy for the 2028 presidential race – and it’s precisely why the Democratic Party keeps failing.

His cynical idea? Flirt with Trump’s MAGA extremist movement to distance himself from the Democratic base and rebrand as a “moderate.” We saw the clearest signs of this strategy with his new podcast, This is Gavin Newsom. The premise? Newsom sits down with MAGA influencers and finds “common ground.”

His first guest? Charlie Kirk – a far-right extremist whose group, Turning Point USA, has promoted religious extremism and conspiracy theories while providing a “vast platform for extremists,” according to the Anti-Defamation League.

 From the ADL’s website:

Since the group’s founding. Kirk has moved further to the right and has promoted numerous conspiracy theories about election fraud and Covid-19 and has demonized the transgender community.  

Kirk also promotes Christian nationalism: the idea that Christians should dominate the government and other areas of life in the US.

TPUSA continues to attract racists to the group. Numerous TPUSA representatives have made bigoted remarks about minority groups and the LGBTQ+ community.

White nationalists have attended TPUSA events, even though the group says it rejects white supremacist ideology.

Kirk has created a vast platform for extremists and far-right conspiracy theorists, who speak and attend his annual AmericaFest and other events sponsored by TPUSA.

“He had increasing rage, and as he became more famous he became more open about expressing it – white supremacist ideas, disdain for feminism, and what disturbed me most: his comfort with authoritarianism," Kyle Spencer, who wrote a book about Kirk's organization, told the Guardian in 2024.

In a strange twist, the Democratic governor of California – a future presidential hopeful – is boosting and embracing Kirk. The most alarming aspect? Newsom’s complete humiliation and subservience.

 A Humiliating Debut

The SFGATE review of Newsom’s first podcast episode says it all:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has a new podcast, and if the first episode is any indication, he plans to spend it sucking up to right-wing influencers and making digs at his own political party.

The first episode of This Is Gavin Newsom dropped Thursday morning, featuring a smug and in-his-element Charlie Kirk as a guest… The surprise was how embarrassingly Newsom performed.

Instead of debating Kirk, Newsom praised him, sought his advice, and even boosted MAGA talking points.

 Some of the worst moments:

  • He repeatedly asked Kirk for political strategy advice.
  • He bragged that his 13-year-old son is a Kirk fan.
  • He caved on multiple progressive issues, manufacturing a political pivot to boost his podcast audience by bowing to MAGA political framings.

Newsom – a two-term Democratic governor – was so deferential that Kirk actually told him to “get better ideas.”

Who Benefits?

Newsom might think he’s playing clever “political chess,” but this move only strengthens MAGA and harms democracy. Here’s why:

  • Charlie Kirk wins. A governor of California is now treating him as a serious figure. That’s a major credibility boost for Kirk and TPUSA.
  • Right-wing media wins. They’ll cut up clips to make Newsom look servile and weak, and use his statements as a cudgel against the Democratic Party and vulnerable people.
  • The MAGA agenda wins. Every time a Democrat aligns with right-wing extremists instead of rejecting their premises, it helps MAGA become more deeply entrenched in our political system.
  • The myth of a “far-left Democratic Party” wins. Newsom’s pivot reinforces the Republican lie that Democrats are too extreme, making it easier for the true party of extremism – the fascist Republican Party – to justify its own radicalism.

 Who Loses?

  • The Democratic Party base. The voters who power Democratic victories see their leaders chasing MAGA approval instead of standing up for progressive moral values.
  • Marginalized communities. Kirk and TPUSA promote Christian supremacy and anti-LGBTQ rhetoric. Platforming them normalizes their hate. It also sends a chilling message: Democratic leaders like Newsom will abandon vulnerable people at a whim.
  • The Democratic Party. Instead of setting the narrative, Newsom reinforces conservative talking points – a classic losing strategy.

The Four Big Mistakes Newsom Is Making

  • Accepting Conservative Frames. By debating Kirk on his terms, Newsom lets MAGA extremists define the conversation. Instead of rejecting MAGA’s nonsense, he’s engaging with it. Newsom accepted the frame in every way.
  • Elevating Right-Wing Extremists. A sitting governor is putting a MAGA propagandist on equal footing. Newsom, who supposedly has an important day job, is elevating Kirk to his level and giving him legitimacy.
  • Amplifying Conservative Messaging. Even if Newsom “wins” the debate, he’s spreading MAGA talking points to a larger audience. Unfortunately, Newsom isn’t even debating – he’s capitulating to MAGA.
  • Chasing a Fake “Middle” The “moderate” Republicans Newsom hopes to attract don’t exist. MAGA voters won’t support him, and he’s moving aggressively to alienate the Democratic base.

What Should Newsom Be Doing Instead?

If Newsom wants to lead, he shouldn’t be pandering extremists. Instead, he should be defining the debate. That's harder than sucking up to MAGA extremists for easy clicks, but it's a better plan:

  • Go on offense. Frame MAGA’s extremism instead of “engaging” with it. Provide a better alternative rooted in care, empathy, and moral values. Force the opposition to respond to Democratic frames instead.
  • Control the narrative. Frame Democratic policies as mainstream and powerful – because they are. Negotiate sensitive policy debates in a productive and serious way, not in glib interviews with extremist characters.
  • Boost Democratic voices. Elevate people who fight for democracy, not those who attack it. Think of all the people Newsom could be boosting instead of Kirk. Extremist MAGA trolls already have a large media ecosystem to push their lies and hate. They don't need Gavin Newsom's help.

Conclusion: Stop Trying to Be MAGA Lite.

Democrats have nothing to gain by trying to appeal to the MAGA movement. Worse, by legitimizing extremist views, MAGA collaborators like Newsom could help recruit more swing voters to the Republican side. He’s modeling a specific and harmful behavior: a Democrat who thinks MAGA is cool and right.

Of course, Newsom doesn’t really believe that. His strategy is calculated solely to boost his presidential aspirations. In recent years, Newsom had fashioned himself as a resistor-in-chief to Trump and MAGA. Now he's shedding his political skin again – just like a snake.

As Kirk told a reporter after his appearance on Newsom’s podcast: “This is a guy who wants to be President more than any other human being alive.” (Kirk also revealed he was connected to Newsom by Kimberly Guilfoyle, a former Fox host who is Donald Trump Jr.’s ex-girlfriend – and Newsom’s ex-wife.)

Newsom’s cynical and destructive strategy will fail. He won’t win over MAGA, won’t impress mythical “moderates,” and risks alienating and demoralizing the Democratic base.

The lesson Democrats like Newsom keep ignoring? Voters respect bold leadership, not weak compromises. Voters already see the Democratic Party as feckless, according to polls. Trying to become a less-evil version of the Republican Party will only cement this impression.

By treating Charlie Kirk as an equal instead of the extremist that he is, Newsom isn’t playing political chess. He’s just being a lapdog for MAGA and playing the role of “Useful Idiot” – which would be a much better name for Newsom's desperate podcast.

What can you do? Remember Gavin Newsom's cynical political transformation when he's asking for your vote in a future election.

And you can tell Newsom what you think by emailing him

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